Skin Checks

Woman on a beach stretches as she looks out to sea

Skin cancer checks in Shenton Park

As Australians, we live in arguably the best country in the world and we love the outdoors.

Unfortunately, Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world, with 2 out of every 3 Australians developing skin cancer. The good news is that skin cancers can be prevented and can also be treated effectively if picked up early.

Perhaps you are concerned about a new spot or changing spot on your skin or someone else has even noted a new or odd spot on your own skin. This is why EVERYONE who lives in this beautiful country NEEDS regular skin checks and depending on your skin type, you may need even more checks.

Our doctors offer skin checks and are happy to examine and treat any skin spot or area of your skin that may be identified.

Our Team

Dr. Louise Sparrow
Dr Louise Sparrow grew up in Claremont and Dalkeith. After finishing a PhD specialising in molecular pathology of melano...
Dr. Louise Sparrow
Dr. Amelia Lambers
Commencing February 2025 Dr Amelia Lambers is passionate about skin cancer examinations and procedures. She is a compass...
Dr. Amelia Lambers