Reproductive Medicine

A pregnant woman holding her belly

Reproductive care at Shenton Park GP

Reproductive medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, management and treatment of reproductive health disorders. It is relevant for both males and females and includes fertility problems, hormonal imbalances, menstrual disorders, pregnancy complications, and reproductive endocrinology.

Our Shenton Park GPs can play a crucial role in diagnosing issues, coordinating care and referring to specialist providers if required.

Our Team

Dr Bernadette Bailey
Dr Bernadette Bailey
MBBS (HONS) DIP RANZCOG FRACGP Dr Bernadette Bailey graduated from UWA and has completed a diploma in obstetrics and gyn...
Dr Bernadette Bailey
Dr Sigrid Uhlrich
Dr Sigrid Uhlrich
B. Pharm MBBS FRACGP Dr Siggy Uhlrich studied medicine at Notre Dame University then enjoyed hospital work in a variety ...
Dr Sigrid Uhlrich